(a website for cool dads)

"Hero Dad Image"

"Dad Jokes Generator"

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Dad Memes Slideshow

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"Second Hero Dad Image With Quote"

"I 'm Cool Dad, that's my thang.
I'm hip, I surf the web, I text."
- Phil Dunphy

Dad Tip Calculator

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Cool Dads ask, "What's the damage?" $$$:

About this Cool Dad

Cool Dad Jesse Daniels only has one outdated headshot

My name is Jesse Daniels. I am studying computer programming with Code Louisville. This is my Cool Dad website. I wear crocs with my socks and have an old truck that only starts occasionally. I am definitely a cool dad. Please read about the cool dads who raised me!

cool dad Jerry Daniels in black and white 35mm photo

This is my cool dad, Jerry. He spent his youth in an orphanage, came up in dive bars, and came out on top. He has been in rock bands and drove fast cars. He has a lion pinky ring and a direct line to the big guy upstairs. He is definitely a cool dad.

cool dad Gene Bradley rides a motorcycle in vintage photo

This is my other cool dad, Gene. He drove fast motorcycles and faster boats. He knows a thing or two about small engines, airplanes, and nursing. Loves Sinatra and Motown, has a few Tommy Bahama shirts and is definitely a cool dad.

image of cartoon cool dad Homer Simpson

This is Homer Simpson. One of everyones favorite cool dads. What the other cool dads didn't teach me, I filled in with Homer's knowledge. Just because he doesn't understand doesn't mean he can't care. Homer is definitely a cool dad.

Contact Form

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